Guild Recruitment & Rewards
We have started a reward recruitment initiative.
The Basics:
- For every Unique Legacy (Characters Last Name) you recruit, you will get 5 million credits.
- They must stay in the guild for 1 month and be active.
- In other words you can't just bring someone in and they park their toon.
- You must put a note on the website and in member notes in game, that you recruited
them and the date you recruited them.- An officer will transfer those notes after a month to the officer notes.
- They must stay in the guild for 1 month and be active.
We need more active members in the guild. There is no reason the same 6-12 people should be the ones making
sure we hit the Conquest Point Objective every week.
We should make it regardless of if a person takes a week off, or decides that they want to work on their IMP Side toon that week.
To post your Recruits on the website Click on "News & Info" on the Navigation Bar and Select "Guild Recruit / Invites"
OPS and Time Zones
In order for OPS Start and End Times to display properly for you in the OPS/RAID calendar, as well as the Upcoming OPS on the right side of the web page, based on your time zone, You must set your time zone in your profile. To set you time zone follow the steps below.
- Login and Click on your name on the top left of the web page.
- Or Click here: Settings
- Click Settings
- Select the "Display Options" Tab
- Select your Time Zone and then Click save.
I have added a new StarParse Server, You can find the server info in the forums
5.9 Optimal Stat Calculator
Check this out: PVE 248 Gear calculator